Meet a Librarian: Amanda McLeod

Subject areas: Psychology, sociology, anthropology and criminal justice. I also work with government information.

What book are you currently reading? The River at the Center of the World by Simon Winchester

What is your favorite spot in the library? I love the balcony, especially as the weather is cooling off.

What’s the best thing about working for the Libraries? I have amazing co-workers. Everyone here is super supportive, and it’s really nice to work with a collaborative team. I love working with our students, too. It’s always amazing to me when I have a research appointment with a student to learn about what they’re working on and their research ideas and projects. It’s always very exciting to see what our students are doing.

What is one thing you wish students knew about the Libraries? ​That we’re not scary! We’re here to help. It’s a great place to come and work and study, but all of our library team is really supportive and we want to be a partner with our students as they are working through their degrees. Come and ask us for help. We’d love to talk with you!