Mitsuko Ito
Learn how to alleviate stress through tapping into specific pressure points through a free virtual workshop titled “Tapping into Calm: Sensory Based Stress Management and Mindfulness Tools” hosted by Clemson Libraries Wednesday, January 17, from noon to 1 p.m. The workshop is open to all students, faculty and staff via Zoom or in person in the Brynes Room (room 401) in Cooper Library.
The workshop will be led by Mitsuko Ito, well-being activator for the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Tech and licensed healing arts practitioner. Ito will demonstrate how to tap on certain physical pressure points on the face and body to decrease stress and increase a sense of calm. The practice comes from traditional Asian healing methods that have been used for thousands of years.
Alydia Sims, standards and assessment manager in metadata services, wanted to coordinate the event after she attended a workshop hosted by Georgia Tech.
“The session provided instant relief for me,” she said. “It has assisted me in stressful situations without folks knowing that I’m stressed.”
Click here to join the workshop via Zoom.