Coming Soon – More Student Study Space

September 12, 2019 Update: On Friday, September 6th, we finished accessioning and filing all items moved offsite! We’re still tying up a few loose ends, so please be patient as we sort through these issues.The remaining collections and shelving on the 6th floor will be removed by September 18th, with the books shifted down to the 5th floor, and plans are underway to clear some space on the 5th floor for seating in the future.

September 5, 2019 Update: With the workers ahead of schedule at Offsite Storage and finishing up this week, Cooper has seen some recent improvements, as well. New electrical has been installed on the third floor and new study room walls are going up this week. New furniture will arrive for the sixth floor this week, and although additional flooring and painting work in the elevator foyer may need to be rescheduled, both floors are on track for a grand reopening! Be cautious in both areas, but do check out the new space!

August 27, 2019 Update: There’s a lot going on at Cooper, but we are still working hard at our Offsite Storage Facility – in fact, we’re hitting record numbers! Since August 6th, 36,307 items have been shelved using four workstations simultaneously! You can request items that have been moved to Offsite Storage through the library catalog; they will be pulled and routed to Cooper (or the branch of your choice) and held for you to pick up!

August 20, 2019 Update: As of this week, access to the 6th floor is restricted to library staff and construction crews as we continue to shift the collection down to the 5th floor, remove empty shelving, and install new carpet. While inconvenient, this is for your safety! We are happy to pull items from the 6th floor for you, and hold them at the Library Services Desk; please contact the desk or place a request for the item online.

August 16, 2019 Update: We’re still shifting the collection from the 6th floor down to the 5th this week, and we’re taking down the physical shelves as we go. New carpet for the 6th floor is slated for installation next week!

August 6, 2019: Iron Mountain will finish their work in Cooper Library today and turn their attention to Offsite Storage. With their work done, we can focus on shifting the remaining books on the 5th floor of Cooper. Once finished with 5, we will begin to move the books on the 6th floor down to 5 as well. Expect noise, dust, and mislabeled shelving during this time, but know that we are working as hard as we can to stay on track for the fall semester!

July 30, 2019 Update: With Iron Mountain in the building, the Journal Move project is picking up pace! One corner of the 3rd floor has been commandeered for staging the shrink-wrapped carts of books before transport, but the staging area will move to the 6th floor soon. Please be careful as you use each floor, and remember that pulling and shifting are taking place on the 5th floor, as well. Iron Mountain should be completely finished in Cooper Library around August 7th.

July 26, 2019 Update: It’s official! We’ve finished marking items to be rehomed and have now transitioned into the 2nd phase of the project. Iron Mountain, an organization dedicated to storing, protecting, and managing information is helping to physically move materials to the Libraries Offsite Storage Facility. Library employees will be moving along behind them to shift remaining materials. Please be aware of noise and construction, and if you need help locating an item, please visit the Information Services Desk.

July 16, 2019 Update: We’ve almost reached the Relocation Phase of our project! We are working on logistics now, so that a company can help us begin moving items to our offsite storage facility next week!

July 10, 2019 Update: We’ve been working so hard, that we’ve broken most of our aging fleet of book carts! At least 6 carts have been surplussed due to the project, with 7 remaining for use and we are planning to purchase 10 new heavy duty carts!

June 27, 2019 Update: You may have seen the sea of yellow flags throughout the 5th and 6th floor stacks. We are using these flags as guides to correct barcode placement on items that are being moved to Offsite Storage. Having every barcode in the same place will make it easier for the Offsite Storage staff as they begin to enter item information into the item management system at our offsite location.

June 11, 2019 Update: Did you know that when we moved from Sikes Hall to Cooper Library in the summer of 1966, we used a conveyor belt?
That certainly would have been helpful last week, as we moved over 10,000 items out of the building!

June 5, 2019 Update: We’ve found some interesting things tucked into the book stacks during our work. Here are a few of the items we’ve gathered so far!



May 29. 2019 Update: We slowed our pace a little last week to focus on training more employees to help with the project. Although we only pulled a fraction of what we’ve averaged in weeks past, we’ll be picking up the pace again soon, with employees rotating work on the project throughout each day in weeks to come!

May 21, 2019 Update: Last week, the Journal Move team relocated over 5,000 items! Along with our work on the 5th floor, renovations are currently in progress on Cooper’s 3rd, 4th, and 6th floors! Please proceed with caution, and contact the Library Services Desk with any questions or issues you may have.

May 13, 2019 Update: Now that it’s summer and we can make a little more noise, we’ve been working hard to remove items from the 5th and 6th floor stacks. Last week, we were able to double our previous weekly average, moving over 7,000 items!

May 7, 2019 Update: You may have noticed that we took a break from the journal move project last week.  Now that exams are over, we’re hard at work again!

April 24, 2019 Update: Moving has officially started!  Last week nearly 3000 journals were removed from the 5th and 6th floor stacks and we will continue to move items this week, as well.

April 17, 2019 Update: We’ve started identifying materials to be moved and will begin pulling these items from the 5th and 6th floor shelves soon.  Don’t forget to ask at the Library Services Desk if you need help with anything in the work areas.

April 8, 2019 Update: Planning is currently underway and the project to provide more student study space is slated to start next week!

In preparation, signage will be placed near the 5th floor work areas to help guide you to the information you need while we work.

Keep an eye out for future signage on the 6th floor as well, including the project timeline, fabric samples, furniture to come, and the new layout of the floor at the project’s end.

You asked, and we listened!

The 5th and 6th floors of Cooper Library are being redesigned to provide more student study space!

To achieve this, materials from the 5th and 6th floors are being relocated to our Offsite Storage Facility.  If you can’t find what you need, ask at the Library Services Desk.  If you need an item that’s in storage, want to request a journal article or book chapter, or you need to get an item we don’t own, submit a request through Resource Sharing.

The new and spacious 6th floor of Cooper Library will be ready and waiting on your return in Fall 2019!

For project updates, please visit the project webpage.  Please direct questions to Robin Chambers, Project Manager, at; or Christopher Cox, Dean of Libraries, at