Well, that’s just fancy way of saying we’ve changed the amount of time or the amount of things you can check out.
Good news first — You can now check out up to 10 popular reading items (books & audiobooks) at one time. The amount of time you can keep the items will remain the same. These items now have the same check-out limits as other media items (DVDs, CDs) located in Learning Commons West.
Not so good news — The number of days Virtual Reality equipment can be checked out will decrease from 7 days to 3 days. We are changing this due to the extremely long wait list – it’s consistently been over 20 weeks for most items since we started circulating them last January! A shorter checkout period will allow more of you to experiment with the technology, which we’ve been told is the primary reason for checkout.
In relation to VR equipment, you might also want to know about the new Clemson Immersive Space in Watt 308. This is a student-led initiative and offers a place you can visit to try out VR equipment and ours is all checked out.