Searching for Books
If you are looking specifically for books, you can search for that using the Libraries' search for books.
Finding a Book with a Call Number
Once you identify a book you want, note the entire call number provided in the table. Cooper Library has books on several floors; the first letter of the call number will tell you which floor to visit.
- A-P 1st floor
- Q-Z 5th floor
*Items from some collections are found in other areas of Cooper or other parts of campus. See our online maps for more information.
Shelves have labels on the ends that say the range of call numbers they contain. Find the shelf that would contain your call number and look at the book labels to find where your item would be in relation to their call numbers. Clemson Libraries use the Library of Congress Classification System, so these numbers will look different from those in most public or high school libraries.
If you have any trouble locating an item, please ask us at the desk on Cooper 4th Floor.
Electronic Books
Electronic books are also available through our catalog. When you find a book with a link instead of a call number, use it to go directly to the full text of the book. You can also go to eBook collections directly if you want to search only in that collection.
If we don't own the book you need, our Resource Sharing team is ready to help Clemson students, faculty, and staff!