Data Visualization Lab

The Data Visualization Lab (formerly Scholars’ Lab) is a collaborative space where students, faculty, and staff can enhance their skills in data visualization, data analysis, and digital research methods. In close partnership with Clemson Libraries’ Data Services, the Data Visualization Lab provides robust support for researchers as they develop and work on various research projects, helping them effectively engage with their data in various forms. Come visit us on the 4th floor of Cooper Library.

Data Visualization Lab LibGuide

data visualization lab clemson university


The Data Visualization Lab is staffed by a small group of student interns with interest and training in various aspects of data visualization and digital scholarship.

Get help working with your data, whether you’re just getting started or need help with a specific program, language, or analysis.

Walk-ins are welcome during staffed hours, and more intensive help can be requested via the button below!

Help Request Form


The Lab offers visitors the opportunity to experiment with new tools, conduct research, and engage in collaborative work, while also providing a venue for presentations.

For a list of equipment and supported software, please select the button below!

Software & Equipment

Anatomage Table

The Anatomage Table is available by appointment only and requires completion of the Anatomage Table Canvas Course.

If you would like to reserve the table for a class session, please email Nicholas Baldwin ( for reservations.

Reserve Anatomage Table

Teaching & Workshops

We frequently offer free training events, which are publicized on the University calendar as well as via the library’s social media channels. A list of upcoming events can be seen in the sidebar on the right.

Staffed Hours

Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm

Upcoming Events

  • We are working hard to plan upcoming events and workshops. Please check back for updates.