Interlibrary Loan

Log in to ILLiad to access your InterLibrary Loan account

Finding Other Resources

If you are looking for something that we do not have, you can use InterlibaryLoan to request that item from another institution. Use Worldcat to begin your search.

How Long Does It Take?

Electronic material, such as journal articles, takes 2 to 3 days to arrive. Books and other material that must be mailed take 1 to 2 weeks.

Due Dates and Renewals

The library that lends us the item sets the due date. If you need to renew the item, please let us know before the due date on the band. Renewals are at the discretion of the lending library and are not guaranteed. If the lending library is unable to renew, we will request another copy from another library.

Information for Other Libraries

For questions about borrowing an item from Clemson, please see our Policies page or email CU-RSTEAM@nullLISTS.CLEMSON.EDU.