Clemson University has a new name for its institutional digital repository and publishing platform. Formerly known as TigerPrints, the repository is now called Clemson Open.
Managed by Clemson University Press, Clemson Open includes open access scholarly works produced by Clemson faculty, staff and students, as well as a collection of open access journals, conference proceedings, theses and dissertations. Clemson University Press Director Alison Mero said the new name better reflects the purpose and mission of the repository.
“When the repository was created, it was named TigerPrints because pre-prints were a big part of its purpose. That is no longer the primary focus — it does so much more than that,” Mero said. “We wanted a name that reflected not just what it does, but also our commitment to the open access movement.”
In addition to scholarly publications, Clemson Open includes historical collections, such as all volumes of the Taps yearbook, an archive of The Tiger student newspaper dating back to 1907, Board of Trustees meeting minutes, and archives of football programs and other athletics publications.
Clemson faculty, staff and students may also submit their own work for publication on Clemson Open. Click here for more information on how to submit work.
Clemson Open is free and available to anyone to access at