Clemson Libraries will host a lecture by Dr. Siobahn Day Grady, program director of information science/systems for the School of Library and Information Sciences at North Carolina Central University as part of the Rutland Institute for Ethics’ TIDE Conference. Grady will speak on “Innovation, Inclusion and Integrity: A Roadmap for AI in Academia” on Wednesday, April 10, at 5 p.m. in room 106 of the Watt Family Innovation Center preceded by a light reception at 4pm
Grady is the first woman computer science Ph.D. graduate from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. In addition to her role as assistant professor, she is lab director for the Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence and Equity Research (LAIER), co-director for the Center for Data Equity (CODE), an AAAS IF/THEN ambassador, and an Office e-Learning faculty fellow at North Carolina Central University. Her research focuses on utilizing machine learning to identify sources of misinformation on social media and on improving fault detection in autonomous vehicles.
Additionally, Grady has been featured in museums throughout the nation, has spoken at national and international conferences, serves on multiple boards, and was featured as a statue in the world’s largest exhibit of women’s statues.
She is a board member of the Winston-Salem State University Foundation, National Girls Collaborative Project, American Association for the Advancement of Science National Conference of Lawyers and Scientists, an advisory member for Nvolve, Inc, and several grants. She is also a member of several associations, including the Alpha Zeta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Junior League of Durham and Orange Counties, Winston Salem State University National Alumni Association (life member), and North Carolina Central University National Alumni Association (life member). She also volunteers for various organizations, including Boy Scouts of America, FIRST North Carolina, Girl Scouts of America, and Black Girls Code, which introduces science, technology, engineering, and mathematics skills to African American girls.
Grady’s lecture is co-hosted by the College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences and the Graduate School.