You’ve been researching a paper for days, looking for just the right sources to help back up your thesis. You find the perfect article that looks like it is exactly what you need. Surely Clemson Libraries will have it. They have everything, right? Nope.
While the Libraries does have an extensive collection of print and electronic resources, we have a confession to make –– we don’t ACTUALLY have EVERYTHING.
That’s where our Resource Sharing team comes in. If we don’t have a book or article you’re looking for, chances are, they can help you get it. They have two primary tools they can use to get you books that are not available in our collection.
PASCAL Delivers: PASCAL (which stands for Partnership Among South Carolina Academic Libraries) is a service that allows Clemson students, faculty and staff to borrow books from other academic libraries from across the state. After you request a book, you usually will receive it within three to five days. Books borrowed through PASCAL are available for six weeks at a time and can be renewed once for six more weeks.
Interlibrary Loan (ILL): If the book you need can’t be found in the state, Interlibrary Loan allows you to search libraries around the world. To use ILL, you will first need to create an account in ILLiad, and then you can search for what you need. Electronic materials, such as journal articles, can arrive in your inbox in two or three days. Materials that need to be mailed can take up to one to two weeks, depending on where they are coming from. The length of time you can check out an item is dependent on the library that lends the item, as do renewals. To learn more, check out this instructional video on how to request items through ILL.
Questions? Email the Resource Sharing team at CU-RSTEAM@nullLISTS.CLEMSON.EDU.