Webinar: Celebrating Asian Americans in Academic Libraries, April 21

Librarianship is a creative profession that offers exciting opportunities for people of all backgrounds. People of Asian descent make up a very small segment of librarians in libraries of all types in America. However, they come from a variety of ethnic and educational backgrounds, native born and new immigrants, and are playing an important role in the profession. In celebration of Asia Pacific Islander Desi Awareness Month, and to highlight librarianship as a career path for students of all backgrounds, this presentation highlights the stories of two Asian academic librarians, one of the many exciting subfields in librarianship. The two librarians, who have led outstanding careers, share their motivations for entering the library profession, the highlights of their work over the years, and the benefits of academic librarianship for Asian and other under-represented students. They also provide advice on starting and achieving success in the library profession through a question-and-answer session with participants.


Jennifer Shimada is the Senior Director of Library and Instructional Media, Relay School of Graduate Education. She is the Chair of the ALA’s Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services Advisory Committee and an ALA Emerging Scholar





Jianye He is the Librarian for Chinese Collections at the University of California, Berkeley and a 2020 American Library Association (ALA)’s Love My Librarian Award Winner.





Time: Thursday, April 21, 2022, 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM EDT

Registration is required. Please register at:
