Open Access is 6 webinar talks on scholarly publishing, open data, copyright and other services provided by Clemson Libraries. Speakers include Yang Wu, Megan Sheffield, John Morgenstern and individuals from outside of the Libraries.
The full schedule can be viewed here Open Access Week 2021
1. Pressbooks Self-Publishing Software
Monday, October 25, 2021 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Are you a faculty member seeking to publish an Open Access book or a free (open) textbook? Do you know there is an online self-publishing platform that is simple to use, has a plugin for integrating LaTeX, and produces publications that can be easily exported and distributed as e-books, high quality PDFs, and in print-on-demand formats? Are you also aware that some faculty are using this platform as a teaching tool, creating textbooks with students using it as a class assignment? Would you also like to have your textbooks displayed on a special Clemson University website? Join me for a demonstration of Pressbooks, the revolutionary self-publishing platform.
Speaker: Yang Wu, Open Resources Librarian, Clemson Libraries
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2. Primer on Open Data
Tuesday, October 26, 2021 12:00 noon -1:00 pm
What is commonly meant by “open data”? Explore what open data means in a variety of contexts. Discover resources for finding open data sets and get some tips on best practices for making your own data open, as well as finding an appropriate venue to host your data.
Speaker: Megan Sheffield, Data Sciences Librarian
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3. Introduction to Open Educational Resources (OER)
Tuesday, October 26, 2021 3:00 pm – 4:40 pm
Learn about the different ways that Open Educational Resources (OER) can help both you and your students get the most out of your class. OER can give you the freedom to include the material you believe is most important for your students to know and understand. It also provides your students with the ability to have the textbook and other course materials on day one of the class, making sure that no one is trying to play catch-up once their financial aid has arrived.
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4. Reclaim Hosting/Domain of One’s Own (Website and Blog Creation)
Wednesday, October 27th, 2021 11:00 am -12:00 noon
Would you like to create your own blog, website, or visual display, with a domain name of your own choosing? Clemson Libraries is working with Reclaim Hosting, a web hosting service to provide a new service for faculty, graduate students, and other campus groups, allowing you to do so for free using over 100 applications, including WordPress, Omeka and more. You will also have a sandbox style control panel to manage your websites and blogs. Please attend this webinar and see what we can provide you.
Speaker: Pilot Irwin, Hosting Account Manager, Reclaim Hosting
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5. Identifying Predatory Publishing
Thursday, October 28, 2021 11:00 am -12:00 noon
Predatory publishing is a growing concern in scholarly research for both content creators and researchers. Predatory publishers deceive authors and readers by publishing their research for a fee without providing the editorial services typical of vetted open access publishers such as rigorous peer review, yet often masquerade in trusted databases and web sources as legitimate journals. Join us for a workshop on the rise and impact of predatory publishing, how to identify predatory publications, and how to avoid using and submitting to these decidedly non-scholarly sources.
Speaker: Megan Sheffield, Data Sciences Librarian
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6. Copyright and Course Materials: A Chat with the Experts
Friday, October 29th, 2021 11:00 am – 12:00 noon
Copyright and course materials are frequent topics of discussion in higher education. And no wonder: how can you provide your students access to the books, articles, and case studies that they need without infringing copyright? Perhaps you’re concerned with protecting the content that you have created for your course. And how do open educational resources (OER) and Creative Commons licenses fit in?
Join three expert panelists as they discuss copyright and answer your burning copyright questions surrounding OER, course materials, fair use, and open licensing.
Panelists: Andrew Wesolek (Director, Digital Scholarship and Communications (DiSC)
Vanderbilt University Libraries), Carla Myers (Coordinator of Scholarly Communications, Miami University Libraries), John Morgenstern (Director, Clemson University Press)
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