Gifts of Library Material

We are no longer accepting donations from the public. We recommend that the public check their local library’s donation policy.

Local libraries

Anderson County Library

Greenville County Library

Pickens County Library

Oconee County Library

Contact directly for specific information regarding policy

Clemson Faculty

For Clemson faculty who wish to make a donation, coordinate through your subject liaison. Please visit the Subjects Librarian web page for your liaison contact information.

The Libraries reserves the right not to add gifts to their collections, but may sell materials not accepted or may donate items to another library. The revenue generated from the sale of these donations will be used to purchase new materials for the Libraries collections. Materials in unsalable condition will be recycled.

Tax Deductibility of Gifts in Kind

Library employees may not act as appraisers of gifts to the Libraries, nor may they suggest as appraisers, names of employees of Clemson University.

We recommend donors consult with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or a tax expert for detailed information on appraisals and donated materials for a charitable tax deduction. Clemson University Libraries does not accept gifts of books with an actual value unless the gift is appraised by a qualified third party. Please note that IRS laws prohibit the Libraries and its employees from assessing the monetary value of any Gifts of Library Material.

For more information, visit the IRS web site. Potential donors may also want to consult IRS Publication 526, Charitable Contributions or IRS Publication 561, Determining the Value of Donated Property, both available at the IRS web site.