Did you know that you could rent textbooks for free from Clemson Libraries instead of paying hundreds for them online? The Textbook Reserve Program is a pilot project between Clemson Libraries and the Undergraduate Student Government. The pilot is taking place this Spring semester all the way up until May 2020.
We have partnered with the bookstore and several other campus entities to identify courses with a high rate of withdrawal, drop, and failure in order to combat the steady rise in textbook prices. The library was given a budget of $5000 for this semester to rent textbooks from the Barnes and Noble book store. Students can look to see if their textbook for these selected classes is available through the LibGuide. All of these textbooks have a 3 hour loan period and the student is able to leave the library.
If you have participated in this program and would like to provide helpful feedback, please take this survey. Textbook Reserve Program Survey