Free, High Quality Online Teaching Materials

Are you a Clemson faculty member who needs online teaching materials for your summer or fall courses? Open Educational Resources (OER), high quality online textbooks, videos, interactive simulations and other materials offer a solution. Often created by top academic institutions, these resources are designed for online use and are easily accessible by students. Completely free for everyone, they also offer students relief at a time when they are suffering the financial impact of the COVID-19 crisis.

Many OER are specifically designed for general education courses. Please use the Clemson Libraries General Education Guide: to see a list of these materials, which are organized by course number. For a larger list of OER resources and places to search for more OER materials, please use the Clemson Libraries Open Educational Resource guide:

If you use homework systems in your teaching the Libraries also has WeBWork: an open source homework system originally developed for mathematics and has be used in the sciences as well. The system is completely free for students and has been used by several courses at Clemson last year. We can also assist you with finding specialized OER materials for your specific course. If you have any questions on OER or would like to get started on WeBWork please contact Dr. Yang Wu, Open Resources Librarian at