Black History Month Programming: The Libraries are co hosting a number of
this year’s Black History Month events – “Now They See Us: A New Era” which is co-sponsored by the Harvey and Lucinda Gantt Multicultural Center.
- Call My Name Exhibition – Thursday, February 6th at 12:00p.m., 3rd Floor of the Cooper Library:
Join us for the exhibit’s opening reception hosted by Dr. Rhondda Thomas. From February 6 to
May 10, 2020, this exhibition will explore African Americans’ contributions to higher education
institutions and musical entertainment in the greater Clemson, SC area from the founding of
Clemson University in 1889 to the eve of desegregation in 1963. Co-Coordinated by Dr. Rhondda
Thomas - A
ncestry at the Library – Thursday, February 13th from 3:00p.m. to 7:00p.m., Brown Room,
Cooper Library. Drop by the Cooper Library in the Brown Room to learn more about your
ancestry. Stop by for one-on-one help searching the Ancestry Library database for information on your ancestors! Attend presentations by Clemson University professors Dr. Susanna Ashton (4-4:30 pm) and Dr. Rhondda Thomas (5-5:30 pm) about their professional and personal research on African American lives. Attendees are strongly encouraged to bring their own laptops. Refreshments will be served. - Call My Name – Documenting You Family History: Sunday, Feb. 23, 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. –
Madren Center; Monday, Feb. 24, 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. – West End Zone. Community
members are encouraged to bring their photos, letter and family documents to be scanned as
well as learn how to preserve them. - Eyes on the Prize Book Display – All month, Cooper Library 4th floor by the Library Services Desk.