Browse Books

Ezra Pound and Chinese Landscapes

By Kent Su

Pages: pages

Published: September 2024

Ezra Pound & the Spanish World

Edited by Viorica Patea, John Gery, and Walter Baumann

Pages: 512 pages

Published: April 2024

“Song Up Out of Spain”

Poems in Tribute to Ezra Pound

Edited by John Gery and Viorica Patea

Pages: 258 pages

Published: June 2023

The Pound Biennial

Volume 1

Edited by Anderson Araujo and Ronald Bush

Pages: 256 pages

Published: January 2025

Cross-Cultural Ezra Pound

Edited by John Gery, Walter Baumann, and David McKnight

Pages: 264 pages

Published: June 2021

Readings in the Cantos

Volume 2

Edited by Richard Parker

Pages: 400 pages

Published: July 2022

Ezra’s Book

Edited by Justin Kishbaugh and Catherine E. Paul

Pages: 132 pages

Published: June 2019

Ezra Pound, Italy, and The Cantos

By Massimo Bacigalupo

Pages: 366 pages

Published: March 2020

A Packet of Poems for Ezra Pound

Edited by Catherine Paul and Justin Kishbaugh

Pages: 94 pages

Published: May 2018

Readings in the Cantos

Volume 1

Edited by Richard Parker

Pages: 400 pages

Published: June 2018

A Companion to Ezra Pound’s Guide to Kulchur

By Anderson Araujo

Pages: 496 pages

Published: March 2018

Fascist Directive

Ezra Pound and Italian Cultural Nationalism

By Catherine E. Paul

Pages: 364 pages

Published: July 2016