Modernist Constellations

Modernist Constellations reflects the global dimension of modernist studies, while making space for explorations of the modernist world maps and the current “planetary turn.” The series takes into account the many temporalities, spaces, and forms of literary modernisms and explores their many artistic and intellectual contexts, including the realities of expatriation, translation, empire and decolonization, and less structured forms of dissemination and influence.

Series Editors
Lauren Arrington, University of South Florida
Emilie Morin, University of York

Editorial Advisory Board
Derek Attridge, University of York
Sara Crangle, University of Sussex
David Dwan, University of Oxford
Ziad Elmarsafy, University of St. Andrews
Marina MacKay, University of Oxford
Cóilín Parsons, Georgetown University
Jean-Michel Rabaté, University of Pennsylvania
Jahan Ramazani, University of Virginia
Olga Taxidou, University of Edinburgh