Ezra Pound Center for Literature Series

The Ezra Pound Center for Literature Book Series is a project dedicated to publishing a variety of scholarly and literary works relevant to Ezra Pound and Modernism, including new critical monographs on Pound and/or other Modernists, scholarly studies related to Pound and his legacy, edited collections of essays, volumes of original poetry, reissued books of importance to Pound scholarship, translations, and other works.

Series Editor
John Gery, University of New Orleans

Editorial Advisory Board
Barry Ahearn, Tulane
Massimo Bacigalupo, University of Genoa
Ron Bush, University of Oxford
Peter Liebregts, University of Leiden
A. David Moody (Emeritus), University of York
Ira B. Nadel, University of British Columbia
Tim Redman, University of Texas at Dallas
Richard Sieburth, New York University
Demetres P. Tryphonopoulos, Brandon University