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Virginia Woolf and the Common(wealth) Reader

Edited by Helen Wussow and Mary Ann Gillies

Virginia Woolf and the Common(wealth) Reader presents twenty-eight essays and four poetic invocations on the concept of “common(wealth),” addressing geographical, political, and imaginary spaces in which different readers and readings vie for primacy of place. The essays in this collection, including contributions by Rosemary Ashton, Paul Delany, Christine Froula, Mary Ann Gillies, Sonita Sarker, and Jane Stafford, reflect upon “common(wealth)” as a constructed entity, one that necessarily embodies tensions between the communal and individual, traditional culture and emergent forms, indigenous people and colonial powers, and literary insiders and outsiders.


About the Editors

Helen Wussow is the Dean of Lifelong Learning and Associate Professor of English at Simon Fraser University. Professor Mary Ann Gillies teaches in late nineteenth and early twentieth century British literature and Anglo-American modernism at Simon Fraser University.

Purchase from Liverpool UP


Pages: 277 pages

Published: June 2014


ISBN: 978-0-989-08267-9

ISBN: 9781942954132




Virginia Woolf Series