Ecology, Environment and Nature in Literary Modernism
Edited by Jeremy Diaper
This volume of critical essays provides the first major guide to ecology, environment, and nature in literary modernism. It explores the environmental turn and green consciousness in modernist criticism and broadens the boundaries and scope of current ecocritical inquiry. In drawing together contributions from leading and emerging scholars from across the UK and America, Eco-Modernism offers a diverse range of environmental and ecological interpretations of modernist texts and illustrates that ecocriticism can offer fresh and provocative ways of understanding literary modernism. In the rapidly burgeoning field of environmental studies, it will serve as a vital touchstone for scholars and students alike to explore the major areas and crucial themes in ecocritical modernism.
In drawing together contributions from leading and emerging scholars from across the UK and America, Eco-Modernism offers a diverse range of environmental and ecological interpretations of modernist texts and illustrates that ecocriticism can offer fresh and provocative ways of understanding literary modernism.
About the Editor
Jeremy Diaper is the author of T. S. Eliot and Organicism. He has also published numerous articles and chapters on Eliot's agrarianism and the history of the organic husbandry movement in Agricultural History, Agricultural History Review, the Journal of the T. S. Eliot Society UK, The T. S. Eliot Studies Annual, and Literature & History. He is currently editing a special issue of Modernist Cultures on "Modernism and the Environment."
Introduction: Eco-Modernism | Jeremy Diaper
Part I Ruralism and Nature
1. Ruralism and Nature | Dominic Head
2. Edith Sitwell: Modernist Experimentation and the Revitalization of Nature Poetry | Elizabeth Black
Part II Ecological Modernisms
3. “No poetic phantasy / but a biological reality”: The Ecological Visions of H.D.’s Trilogy | Elizabeth O’Connor
4. Modernist Corpses and the Ecology of Burial | Julia E. Daniel
Part III Modernist Ecopoetics
5. Nature, a Diligent Artist: An Ecocentric Reading of Marianne Moore’s “The Fish” | Sharla Hutchinson
6. Modernism’s Insect Vision | Rachel Murray
7. Eco-consciousness and Ecopoetics in D. H. Lawrence’s Birds, Beasts and Flowers and Apocalypse | Fiona Becket
Part IV Agricultural and Horticultural Poetics
8. Planting, Gardens, and Organicism in Literary Modernism | Jeremy Diaper
9. “A rose had flowered”: Virginia Woolf and the Nature of Post-Impressionism | Karina Jakubowicz
10. “The earth-haunted mind”: Jean Toomer’s Cane, African American Writing, and Eco-Modernism | Mary Weaks-Baxter
Part V Climatic Modernisms
11. “Grain by grain”: Beckett’s Agripessimism and the Anthropocene | Caitlin McIntyre
12. “There all the time without you”: Joyce, Modernism, and the Anthropocene | Peter Adkins

Pages: 272 pages
Published: January 2023
ISBN: 978-1-949979-85-5
ISBN: 978-1-949979-86-2