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Woolf and the City

Edited by Elizabeth F. Evans and Sarah E. Cornish

Woolf and the City collects twenty-five essays organized around six presiding themes: Navigating London; Spatial Perceptions and the Cityscape; Regarding Others; The Literary Public Sphere; Border Crossings and Liminal Landscapes; and Teaching Woolf, Woolf Teaching. It also includes a special forum on Woolf’s legacy in and out of the academy. Beyond the volume’s focus on urban issues, many of the essays address the ethical and political implications of Woolf’s work, a move that suggests new insights into Woolf as a “real world” social critic. The contributors, who include Ruth Gruber, Molly Hite, Mark Hussey, Tamar Katz, Eleanor McNees, Kathryn Simpson, and Rishona Zimring, advance Woolf studies and the broader fields of narrative studies, cultural geography, urban theory, phenomenology, and gender studies.

About the Editors

Elizabeth F. Evans is Assistant Teaching Professor in the Department of English at the University of Notre Dame. Dr Sarah E. Cornish is Assistant Professor in the Department of English at the University of Northern Colorado.

Purchase from Liverpool UP


Pages: 265 pages

Published: September 2010


ISBN: 9780984259830

ISBN: 9781942954156




Virginia Woolf Series