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Ulysses Forty Years

A Critical Retrospective of Hans Walter Gabler's Critical and Synoptic Edition of Ulysses

Edited by Georgina Nugent and Sam Slote

2024 is the 40th anniversary of Hans Walter Gabler’s critical and synoptic edition of James Joyce’s Ulysses, published in 1984 by Garland. Ulysses Forty Years brings together a collection of essays from the world’s foremost Joyce scholars that serves as a critical retrospective on the Gabler Ulysses. This collection of essays encompasses the field of Joyce studies, editorial theory and practice, and textual criticism; examining the impact and legacy of the Gabler Ulysses in the context of Joyce Studies and beyond in terms of its wider impact in the context of textual criticism, digital editing, translation studies and editorial theory.

About the Editors

Georgina Nugent is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Vienna. She is the author of The Making of Samuel Beckett’s Company/ Compagnie (Bloomsbury Academic/UPA, 2021) and Beckett and Stein (Cambridge University Press, 2023), and the editor of a special issue of the Journal of Beckett Studies that focuses on ‘Beckett’s Women Contemporaries’ (Edinburgh University Press, 2023). Her research focuses on modernism, with a particular interest in Samuel Beckett, Gertrude Stein, and James Joyce. She has published essays in Samuel Beckett Today/Aujhourd’hui, Journal of Beckett Studies, James Joyce Quarterly, and The Southern Review, among others. Her current book project is a comparative study of James Joyce and Gertrude Stein.

Like the eponymous Joyce scholar of the novel The Death of a Joyce Scholar, Sam Slote is a Professor at Trinity College Dublin and lives in the Liberties in Dublin. He is the author of Annotations to James Joyce’s ‘Ulysses’ (Oxford, 2022), Joyce’s Nietzschean Ethics (Palgrave, 2013), and is the co-editor, with Luca Crispi, of How Joyce Wrote ‘Finnegans Wake’ (Wisconsin, 2007). In addition to Joyce and Beckett, he has written on Virginia Woolf, Vladimir Nabokov, Raymond Queneau, Antonin Artaud, Dante, Mallarmé, and Elvis.

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Published: October 2024


ISBN: 9781638041306
PRICE: $150

ISBN: 9781638041313
PRICE: $150


Irish Literature