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The T. S. Eliot Studies Annual

Volume 3

Edited by Frances Dickey and Julia E. Daniel

The T. S. Eliot Studies Annual strives to be the leading venue for the critical reassessment of Eliot’s life and work in light of the ongoing publication of his letters, critical volumes of his complete prose, the new edition of his complete poems, and the forthcoming critical edition of his plays. All critical approaches are welcome, as are essays pertaining to any aspect of Eliot’s work as a poet, critic, playwright, editor, or foremost exemplar of literary modernism.

Volume 3 features a special forum on “Eliot and Green Modernism,” edited by Julia E. Daniel, as well as a special forum titled “First Readings of the Eliot–Hale Archive,” edited by John Whittier-Ferguson.

Table of Contents

“Hydraulic”: The Company and Its Archive
Frances Dickey

“Projections in the Haiku Manner”: Richard Wright, T. S. Eliot, and Transpacific Modernism
Anita Patterson

Special Forum: Eliot and Green Modernism
Edited by Julia E. Daniel

Wind, Rock, Flower, Glass: The Family Reunion as Ecodrama
Julia E. Daniel

“The Life of the Soil”: T. S. Eliot and Organicism
Jeremy Diaper

Eliot and Skin
Kevin Rulo

[Re]Cycled Fragments: the End of Sweeney Agonistes
Sørina Higgins

Eliot’s (im)personality and voices of Polish modernism
Aleksandra Majak

The Myths of Emily Hale
Sara Fitzgerald

Special Forum: First Readings of the Eliot–Hale Archive
Edited by John Whittier-Ferguson

 Eliot’s Letters to Emily Hale and His Personal Theory of Poetry
Frances Dickey

Letters to an Eliot Fan
Lyndall Gordon

The Love of a Good Woman
Karen Christensen

Searching for Emily Hale
Sara Fitzgerald

“For Whom the Bell Tolls”: Reading the Quartets after the Letters to Emily Hale
Katerina Stergiopoulou

“After such knowledge . . .”: Readings in the Eliot–Hale Archive
John Whittier-Ferguson

Democracy, Punishment, Banality: Anti-Fascism 1940–2020
Patrick R. Query

T. S. Eliot, Fraud
Leonard Diepeveen

T. S. Eliot Bibliography 2017
Compiled by Elisabeth Däumer and Dominic Meo

T. S. Eliot Bibliography 2018
Compiled by Joshua Richards



About the Editors

John D. Morgenstern is the General Editor of The T. S. Eliot Studies Annual. Julia E. Daniel is Assistant Professor at Baylor University and the author of Building Natures: Modern American Poetry, Landscape Architecture, and City Planning. John Whittier-Ferguson is Professor of English at the University of Michigan and, most recently, the author of Mortality and Form in Late Modernist Literature.

Purchase from Liverpool UP


Pages: 288 pages

Published: August 2021


ISBN: 978-1-949-97908-4

