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The Pound Biennial

Volume 1

Edited by Anderson Araujo and Ronald Bush

The Pound Biennial is the sole peer-reviewed publication devoted exclusively to the life and works of one of the prime movers of the modernist revolution in the arts and letters. This inaugural volume contains an introduction and twelve essays written by a diverse group of established and emerging Pound scholars. The authors cover an important range of concerns, including the poet’s political and economic preoccupations, his association with modernist women writers, his fascination with typography, his translations of Noh plays and French poetry, the impact of the Italian Renaissance on his monumental Cantos, and the international reception of his work. The Biennial seeks to become the flagship venue for Pound scholarship at a time when the production and consumption of Pound scholarship has never been greater the book features the kind of high-caliber contributions that once filled the pages of its predecessor, Paideuma. The ever-growing number of volumes of letters, prose, poetry, translations, companions, edited collections of essays, critical editions, digital projects, and monographs continues to make Pound Studies one of the most sought-after fields in modernist scholarship.

About the Editors

Anderson Araujo is Assistant Professor of English, University of British Columbia. He is the author of A Companion to Ezra Pound’s Guide to Kulchur. Ronald Bush is Drue Heinz Professor of American Literature Emeritus at Oxford University, where he taught from 1997–2013, and a senior fellow both at St. John’s College Oxford and at the Institute for English Studies at the University of London’s School for Advanced Studies. Earlier in his career, Bush taught at Harvard University and Caltech. Among his publications are articles on Eliot, Pound, Joyce, Nabokov, and Roth, as well as the chapter on “Modernist Poetry and Poetics” in The Cambridge History of Twentieth-Century English Literature. His major work in progress is a multi-volume genetic and critical edition of Ezra Pound’s Pisan Cantos.

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Pages: 256 pages

Published: January 2025


ISBN: 978-1-638-04035-4


Ezra Pound Center for Literature