A Packet of Poems for Ezra Pound
Edited by Catherine Paul and Justin Kishbaugh
A Packet of Poems for Ezra Pound brings us back, as nearly as possible in book form, to the poetry reading that took place in Dorf Tirol, Italy on July 8, 2015 at 8 p.m., as a part of that summer’s Ezra Pound International Conference. The poetry reading is a crucial part of every biannual EPIC, a reminder that Pound’s poetry is no corpse to be studied only as a part of the past, but rather a constant instigator of creative work, an inspiration for living poets. This volume features more than a dozen voices resounding with Pound’s and singing his legacy.
About the Editor
Justin Kishbaugh is the Assistant Director of Academic Success and a Professor of Writing at Roger Williams University School of Law. Catherine Paul is Professor Emerita of English at Clemson University. She is author of Fascist Directive: Ezra Pound and Italian Cultural Nationalism, and with Margaret Mills Harper, the editor of W. B. Yeats’s A Vision: The Original 1925 Version and A Vision: The Revised 1937 Version.

Pages: 94 pages
Published: May 2018
ISBN: 978-1942954507
General InterestLiterature
Ezra Pound Center for Literature