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Cross-Cultural Ezra Pound

Edited by John Gery, Walter Baumann, and David McKnight

Recent scholarship on the work and life of Ezra Pound has brought more and more attention to his international reputation as a (if not the) ground-breaking modernist poet of the twentieth century, not only in his poetry, but in his critical thinking, theory of translation, correspondence, and collaborations across nations and cultures, as well as the transnational quality of his focus on all the arts. This volume offers new interpretations on Pound’s poetics, as well as new perspectives on his critical reception globally. It includes authors from nine  countries and covers Pound’s work from his beginnings as a young poet in the first decade of the twentieth century through his most productive years as a poet, critic, and translator to the first critical treatments of his work in the 1940s and 50s, and on to translations of The Cantos spanning the last fifty years.

About the Editor

John Gery is Professor of English, University of New Orleans. An American poet, critic, collaborative translator, and editor, he has published seven books of poetry, a critical work on the treatment of nuclear annihilation in American poetry, two co-edited volumes of literary criticism and two co-edited anthologies of contemporary poetry, as well as a co-authored biography and guidebook on Ezra Pound's Venice.

Walter Baumann is Senior Lecturer Emeritus, University of Ulster. He was born in Switzerland and studied at the Universities of Zurich and Aberdeen. His academic teaching career in German Studies started at Toronto University and continued at the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland. He published on J. W. Goethe, H. Broch, and M. Frisch.

David McKnight is director of the Rare Book and Manuscript Library at the University of Pennsylvania.

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Pages: 264 pages

Published: June 2021


ISBN: 978-1-949979-80-0

ISBN: 978-1-94997-981-7




Ezra Pound Center for Literature