Rhetoric and Conflict Book Series

This book series places the role of rhetoric in the twenty-first century squarely among the most positive means of ameliorating and mediating social justice issues, violence, war, oppression, and political demagoguery. Monographs and edited collections in this series analyze the task of rhetoric in mediating these and other forms of conflict.


Series Editor
Cynthia Haynes, Clemson University

Editorial Advisory Board
Diane Davis, University of Texas at Austin
Victor J. Vitanza, Clemson University
Roxanne Mountford, University of Oklahoma
Thomas Rickert, Purdue University
Sid Dobrin, University of Florida
Justin Hodgson, Indiana University
Steven Katz, Clemson University
Patricia Roberts-Miller, University of Texas at Austin
Gregory Ulmer, University of Florida
Byron Hawk, University of South Carolina
Sarah Arroyo, California State University Long Beach
Megan Eatman, Clemson University
Bradley Dilger, Purdue University
Julie Jung, Illinois State University
Todd Taylor, UNC Chapel Hill
Krista Ratcliffe, Arizona State University
Jenny Rice, University of Kentucky
Jenny Bay, Purdue University