International Nineteenth-Century Studies Association Book Series

The International Nineteenth-Century Studies Association Book Series emphasizes interdisciplinary, international and intertemporal research in all the arts and humanities, social sciences and sciences.  It dramatically revises conceptual and chronological definitions of the nineteenth century and expands its research to cover both academic and academic-related practice today. The series reflects the missions of the Association, which are to:

  • work collectively and collaboratively to support academic voices hidden by current linguistic and geographical constraints;
  • create opportunities for the cross fertilization of research and methodologies across countries and hemispheres; and
  • advance initiatives that diversify and enrich our spectrum of long-nineteenth-century knowledge.

Submit proposals queries and proposals to one of the series General Editors or to Andrew Dorkin at

INCSA book series, Clemson University Press – General Editors

Kirstin Mills, Macquarie University

Efram Sera-Shriar, University of Copenhagen

Paul Watt, University of Adelaide

Bennett Zon, Durham University

Editorial Board

Daisuke Adachi, Slavic Research Centre, Hokkaido University

Nathan Bossoh, Southampton University

Pratik Chakrabarti, University of Houston

Li-hsin Hsu, National Chengchi University Taipei

Yoshiyuki Kikuchi, Aichi Prefectural University

Chris Murray, Monash University

Karen Sayer, Leeds Trinity University

Suddhaseel Sen, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Jennifer Tucker, Wesleyan University

Verónica Uribe, Universidad de Los Andes- Bogotá

Lynn Voskuil, University of Houston