What is a public record?
Data and information, regardless of physical form or characteristics, which are prepared, owned, used, in the possession of or retained by a public agency.
What is a retention schedule?
A document that identifies and describes an organization’s records and provides instructions for the deposition of those records.
What is a disposition
The types of disposition are:
- permanent in the department
- destruction
- transfer to the University Archives
What are general schedules?
General schedules are created for common records found in all departments.
What are specific schedules?
Specific schedules are created for unique records within a department.
What are transitory or convenience records?
Transitory or convenience records are duplicate copies of official records created or preserved for ease of use and reference.
What is born digital?
Information originally created in an electronic format.
What is the difference between the Records Center and the University Archives?
Records stored in the Records Center are temporary, inactive records held by the department. Records of historical value are transferred to the University Archives once their retention expires.
What is a records inventory?
An analysis to determine the type, volume, inclusive dates and regulatory requirements of a department’s records.
What is a records series?
A group of similar records that are related as the result of being created, received, or used for the same function.
What if I cannot find a retention schedule for a specific document?
Contact the Records Management personnel for assistance.